Main information:

Main castle


Picture: Open-air staircase to the Palas

Palas (State Castle Museum)


Access to the main, upper floor of the Palas was via the open-air staircase typical of castle buildings, which is located in front of the Castle Chapel.

The stairs end with a small covered platform with an entrance to the princes‘ gallery of the St Elisabeth Chapel on the left side.

St Elisabeth Chapel


Ducal apartment (1st floor)



Link to the ducal apartment

Small living room


On the first floor of the Palas are the rooms used by the duke when he stayed in his second residence. None of the original late Gothic furniture and interior decoration has been preserved. The furniture, weapons, tapestries, paintings and sculptures on display here however recreate the atmosphere of the period.

Ducal apartment


Link tot the State Gallery of Burghausen

Bavarian (Master of the Attel altar),
Attel altar: The decapitation of St Johannes,
c 1480/90 (© Bayerische Staatsgemälde-
sammlungen München
and bpk)

State Gallery of Burghausen
(second and third floor)


The State Gallery of Burghausen is a branch of the Bavarian State Collection of Paintings.

56 paintings are presented on two floors: the second floor of the castle mainly features late medieval altar panels illustrating the flourishing culture of the monasteries in Upper Bavaria and the neighbouring regions of Austria during this period, while on the third floor are works from the early 17th century attributed to artists associated with the court.

State Gallery of Burghausen

Viewing platform of the Palas

62 steps lead from the third floor up to the viewing platform on the roof of the Palas, from which there is a magnificent panoramic view.

Panoramic shot (360 degrees) of the viewing platform

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